Download Audio MP3 | 01:27:04
Josh stumbled upon a pro-choice Reddit thread reacting to Tim’s Autumn in the Sovereign Zone article and decided to get Tim and Rachel’s spontaneous responses live on the podcast.
Afterward, they talk about how to respond to people who say that it’s only wrong to take Thalidomide if the mother is going to have an abortion anyway because then they’re not really causing suffering to this “potential person.”
Related Links:
- Timothy Brahm for the ERI Blog: Autumn in the Sovereign Zone: Why “It’s My Body, I Can Do What I Want” Won’t Do
- This landing page links to all of our main content outside the Equipped for Life Course on bodily rights arguments.
- Learn more at in Equipped for Life Course – Module 7: Bodily Rights Arguments
- Lesson 1: Understanding What Pro-Choice People Really Mean
- Lesson 2: The Sovereign Zone Argument
- Lesson 3: Right to Refuse Arguments [Advanced]
- Timothy Brahm for the ERI Blog: Why Pro-Life Advocates Are Not Responsible for the Planned Parenthood Shooting
- Josh Brahm for the ERI Blog: Why it Would be Wrong for Pro-Lifers to Drive Abortion Clinic Vans Under False Pretenses
- Timothy Brahm for the ERI Blog: Pro-Lifers Aren’t “Forcing” Women to Stay Pregnant
- Josh Brahm for the ERI Blog: When and How You Should End Unproductive Conversations
- Equipped for Life Podcast #14: Relational Apologetics – Personal Stories & Reflections
- Josh Brahm for the ERI Blog: Two Bad Pro-Life Responses to Bodily Rights Arguments
- Alan Guttmacher Institute: Reasons U.S. Women Have Abortions: Quantitative and Qualitative Perspectives (PDF)
Learn more at from the Equipped for Life Course Lesson: Use Filler Sentences
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