Download Audio MP3 | 00:36:19
Josh Brahm was invited to address a group of future clergy as well as some of those who train clergy at a Lutheran Seminary during his last speaking tour in Canada. After sharing a little about his background and the focus of Equal Rights Institute, Josh focused his talk on what pastors and priests can do to prevent abortions in their congregations. He then took questions from the audience.
Four months later he published this article on the subject, and we would strongly encourage you to share it on social media so we can spread the word about this idea!
- 22:32: Do you think adding this concept to a website or various church websites would help spread the word?
- 23:52: Comment about how it would be even better if pastors were also willing to offer financial assistance to unwed, pregnant women, “putting their money where their mouth is.”
- 24:45: These practical dialogue tips you speak of, are those on a website?
- 29:02: What are common ways that pro-life people misunderstand pro-choice people?
The audio cut out shortly after Josh finished answering that question, so unfortunately we don’t have the last few minutes of the Q&A session.
Related Links:
- Josh Brahm for the ERI Blog: One Thing Every Pastor Can Do to Prevent Abortions in Their Congregation
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