This post is to catch you up on the most exciting developments at Equal Rights Institute, where we’re headed next year, and how I’d like you to prayerfully consider partnering with us financially.
It’s been a busy season of speaking at ERI! Last year we gave 36 speeches and seminars all over the country as well as Canada and Denmark, speaking to 3,978 people. That’s a 44% increase in the number of speeches, but to roughly the same number of people we spoke to last year, meaning we spoke at more small events than we did last year, like high school/college clubs and church groups. All in all Tim, Rachel, and I spoke in Maryland, Oregon, Pennsylvania, California, North Carolina, Ohio, Michigan, Arizona, Canada, and Denmark!
Let me share a few stories from the last few months since I’ve already talked a lot about my international trips training the pro-life movement abroad in the first half of this year.