Social Media Dialogue Part 4: 12 More Practical Tips

Download Audio MP3 | 01:07:15

Josh, Tim, and Rachel continue a multi-part series on how to be an effective pro-life advocate on social media. In this episode they continue a series of 35 practical tips in five categories.

The episode begins with a brief discussion of Josh and Tim’s new kittens. If you want to skip this, the substantive content begins at 09:40.

Here are the tips covered in this episode:

Practical Lowering Defenses Moves

  1. Point out virtually every case of common ground.
  2. Do the “tell them what you don’t mean” thing more often on social media than in person due to it being easier for them to misunderstand, stew a bit, and then yell back an angry response or just leave, not giving you a chance to clarify.
  3. Consistently summarize the other person’s view or argument to them throughout the conversation. This assures the other person you’re taking them seriously as a human being and not some random name with a picture.
  4. Don’t forget to be relational when you talk about rape and other hard topics.
  5. Never (or rarely) use any language even bordering on profanity, caps, or anything remotely disrespectful like “baby killer”, “murderer”, etc.
  6. Use neutral terminology that the other side is comfortable with. 
  7. Never compare to Adolf Hitler, Dr. Mengele, Stalin, Pol Pot, the Holocaust, etc. That immediately ticks people off.
  8. Ask clarifying questions if you don’t understand; don’t assume.
  9. Point out when they teach you something.
  10. Like the other person’s comments when they’re being clear and charitable, not just when you agree with them.
  11. Don’t like or share inflammatory things.
  12. Sow intentional positive seeds with people you would hope to dialogue with one day.

Related Links:

Social Media Dialogue Part 3: 7 Practical Tips for Overcoming the Challenges

Download Audio MP3 | 00:58:19

Josh, Tim, and Rachel continue a multi-part series on how to be an effective pro-life advocate on social media. In this episode they begin a series of 35 practical tips in five categories.

Here are the tips covered in this episode:

General Strategy

  1. Move to PM or in person as soon as possible, and then to Skype/in-person soon after that. Once you’re in PM, get personal.
  2. Make minimal persuasion goals. It’s more of a marathon on Facebook than outreach.
  3. Make limited claims.


  1. Be aware of the lack of nonverbal communication. It’s just your text and your profile pic if they don’t know you. Given that, you need to write a little bit as a caricature of yourself so that after it’s been filtered, it comes out fairly accurately.
  2. Post things with pro-choice people in mind. Will it make pro-lifers raise their fists but cause pro-choice people to be frustrated and less likely to talk to you, your friends, and all the other pro-lifers? Then don’t share it.
  3. Assume the best about people. 
  4. Take a step back if you’re feeling defensive.

Sorry about the occasional coughing you’ll hear in the background. Some of the team had colds while we recorded this episode.

Related Links:

Social Media Dialogue Part 2: How to Think About Virtue-Signaling

Download Audio MP3 | 00:40:37

Josh, Tim, and Rachel continue a multi-part series on how to be an effective pro-life advocate on social media. In this episode Tim discusses virtue-signaling. What is it? Are there different types? Are some of them actually okay? And when is it a valid or helpful accusation?

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Subscribe to the Equipped for Life Podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Subscribe to ERI’s other podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.

Social Media Dialogue Part 1: The Obstacles

Download Audio MP3 | 00:52:26

Josh, Tim, and Rachel begin a multi-part series on how to be an effective pro-life advocate on social media. They begin the series by talking about some of the obstacles that often prevent good dialogue from happening on social media, like image management.

The episode begins with a discussion of our favorite Facebook pages. If you don’t want to hear any of this, skip to 08:18.

Related Links:

Subscribe to the Equipped for Life Podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Subscribe to ERI’s other podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.

Listener Mail, Freakonomics & Utilitarianism

Download Audio MP3 | 00:56:17

Josh, Tim, and Rachel talk about how to respond to the Freakonomics argument that abortion has resulted in a drop in crime rates, as well as a new technique Josh has been using when talking to utilitarians.

The episode begins with a discussion of various theories at to Rey’s parentage in the Star Wars universe, in anticipation of “The Last Jedi” coming out. This discussion includes spoilers of “The Force Awakens” and some of what has been learned through “The Last Jedi” trailers, so skip the discussion if you’re avoiding all potential spoilers. Some of this discussion has been moved to a deleted scene below, but if you don’t want to hear any of this discussion, skip to 09:59.

Subscribe to the Equipped for Life Podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Subscribe to ERI’s other podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.