Charles Camosy for the Catholic Moral Theology blog
March 27, 2015
March 27, 2015
The Catholic Sentinel sent a reporter to my event with Deanna and he wrote up a story about it. It also includes some video excerpts from the event, so if you want a sneak peek at the content we will be publishing in full later, check it out!
I’m pretty sure some people will think this is pretty stupid, but I’m fascinated by learning ways that we can unintentionally miscommunicate with others.
The way that different uses of punctuation in text messages has been the subject of heated debate among several of my friends, but it now appears that researchers at American University have determined that the average person really does read certain things into the punctuation of text messages.
If you haven’t noticed this on your own, it’s worth noting, at the least, to avoid accidentally implying to your friend that you’re mad when you’re not.