How Men Can Serve Fathers in Pregnancy Centers (with Care Net’s Gary Freeman)

Download MP3 | 1:27:33

Josh interviews Gary Freeman from Care Net. They talk about how Gary went from being a preacher’s kid to serving fathers in pregnancy centers, including the struggles of trying to figure out the best way to do that!

  • 00:00: Introduction / Gary’s story;
  • 8:02:  Gary starts serving men in pregnancy center work;
  • 20:08:  What Gary did to help guys open up in these situations and begin training other centers;
  • 32:18: How Gary would explain to a new pregnancy center why they need a male staff member or volunteers to talk to the guys who come in;
  • 36:46: What role should men have in the pro-life movement?
  • 40:31: Why is it important for pro-life advocates to talk to pro-choice guys at outreaches instead of just women who might have abortions later?
  • 43:53: What do you say to a guy who says he doesn’t really care if she has the abortion but feels like he shouldn’t get a say in it because it’s a woman’s issue?
  • 46:32: How do you talk to apathetic people?
  • 57:40: How should pro-life people support abortion-minded and post-abortive men?
  • 1:00:23: What should we say to a male friend who got his girlfriend pregnant and is now asking for advice? 1:04:28 On Gary’s work in fatherhood ministry;
  • 1:12:19: What it’s like being one of the only pro-lifers at a fatherhood event;
  • 1:18:18: Gary explains how some pro-life people get uncomfortable with the fact that he is doing these fatherhood events;
  • 1:23:21: The most surprising thing Gary has learned working with men.

Gary Freeman is the Fatherhood and Family Program Manager for Care Net national. He’s been in the pro-life world for about 8 years. He started this journey serving as the Fatherhood and Outreach Coordinator for a local pregnancy center in Raleigh, NC. He has been speaking and training pregnancy centers in serving men over that 8 years all over the country and has been doing that formally with Care Net since May 2019. Gary loves advocating for men being involved in the pregnancy center setting, and in the pro-life initiative overall. Gary is able to assist in navigating the intricate aspects of serving men specifically in the pregnancy center setting. Gary is a graduate of East Carolina University in Greenville, NC with a B.S. in Family and Community Services, and he recently graduated from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary with a Master’s in Christian Studies. Gary has been married for 13 beautiful years to his wonderful wife Vinniece, and they have two awesome daughters Sariah(10) and Jordyn(4).

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