Behind-the-Scenes: Emily Discusses Abortion With NARAL President on MSNBC

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We’ve received hundreds of messages and comments about Emily’s appearance on MSNBC last week! By popular demand, Josh and Emily are joined by Tim Hull to discuss the behind-the-scenes story of how Emily ended up discussing abortion with the president of NARAL on national television live from NBC studios in New York City!

In this episode, Emily will share the story of her trip to 30 Rockefeller Plaza, including insights into what she chose to say (and not say!) on air and how she was treated by MSNBC. Josh, Emily, and Tim will also watch the MSNBC segment together, reacting to the pro-choice arguments made and providing additional talking points pro-lifers can use to respond.

If you’d like to watch MSNBC’s published version of the segment, you can do so at the link below!

Related Links:

Diane Greene Foster & Katrina Kimport for Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health: Who Seeks Abortions at or After 20 Weeks?

Katrina Kimport for Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health: Is third-trimester abortion exceptional? Two pathways to abortion after 24 weeks of pregnancy in the United States

Secular Pro-Life: Responding to 7 pro-choice claims about embryonic hearts

Secular Pro-Life: Later Abortion landing page

Secular Pro-Life: Embryonic Hearts

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