These PDF’s are grouped by module, so the PDF for lessons 2-4 below are the same file, given that those three lessons are all from Module 2 of the Equipped for Life Course. These PDF’s do not include the outlines and group activities for the lessons in those modules that we’re not showing in this webinar.
- Being Closed-Minded
- Be Intentional With Your Body Language
- Ask Good Clarification Questions
- Don’t Make Arguments with Question Marks
- The ERI Approach to Trotting Out a Toddler
Download Audio MP3 | 01:14:01
While Rachel Crawford was in town we spontaneously decided to record some improvised roleplay dialogues as well as some post-roleplay commentary. Nothing was scripted out, but it ended up going really well so we decided to turn them into podcast episodes. In this episode you’ll hear Rachel play the pro-choice side against Tim twice, as well as our discussions afterward about what Tim did well and what could have been better.
Related Links:
- Josh Brahm and Rebecca Haschke: Practical Dialogue Tips Speech and Mock Dialogue at the 2017 SFLA Conference (Mock dialogue starts at 28:05)
Download Audio MP3 | 00:51:04
While Rachel Crawford was in town we spontaneously decided to record some improvised roleplay dialogues as well as some post-roleplay commentary. Nothing was scripted out, but it ended up going really well so we decided to turn them into podcast episodes. In this episode you’ll hear Tim play the pro-choice side against Josh, as well as our discussions afterward about what Josh did well and what could have been better.
Download Audio MP3 | 00:43:37
While Rachel Crawford was in town we spontaneously decided to record some improvised roleplay dialogues as well as some post-roleplay commentary. Nothing was scripted out, but it ended up going really well so we decided to turn them into podcast episodes. In this episode you’ll hear Tim play the pro-choice side against Rachel, as well as our discussions afterward about what Rachel did well and what could have been better.
Download Audio MP3 | 00:43:08
Josh and Tim answer questions about the art of dialogue.
- Jim: “I know your focus is more of a one-on-one conversational dialogue. But is there any consideration of including anything regarding how things differ in a debate scenario?”
- Kristine: “Could you give me some more examples of the differences between a clarification question and an argument with a question mark that you encourage people to avoid making? And are there any instances where you might use an argument with a question mark?” We also discuss “the Socratic method” and more reasons why we make most of our arguments with periods instead of question marks.
- Simon in Austrailia: “How do you deal with people who are equivocating or using words vaguely?”
Related Links:
- CGP Grey: Voting Systems Video Playlist
- CGP Grey: Humans Need Not Apply
- CGP Grey Podcast: Hello Internet
- CGP Grey Podcast: Cortex
- Timothy Brahm: Learning to Allow Space for the Thinking Pause
- Josh Brahm: The Best Way to Expose Logical Fallacies: Don’t Call Them by Name
- Timothy Brahm: Don’t Be Too Nice
Download Audio MP3 | 00:43:04
Josh and Tim interview Jacob Nels about his best sidewalk counseling tips for pro-life people who are ready to save lives in front of their local abortion facility, including these topics:
- Understanding the mindset of a lot of the people who show up at abortion facilities;
- Learning important facts about the abortion facility, like when they do abortions;
- The primary things Jacob says while sidewalk counseling;
- The very careful way Jacob invites people to view a graphic abortion image;
- Two reasons why Jacob offers to buy meals for the people he talks to;
- What Jacob says when his main “pitch” falls on deaf ears, that he would never say at the beginning of the conversation.
Related Links:
- Jacob Nels: Why We Need Male Sidewalk Counselors
- Timothy Brahm: Abortion Images: A Case for Disagreement without Division
- Timothy Brahm: Learning to Allow Space for the Thinking Pause
- If you’re interested in using ERI’s outreach brochure for your own sidewalk counseling and/or other outreaches, email Josh directly about that.
Deleted Scene: The Rest of the “Lost” Debate
Download Audio MP3 | 00:21:05
Download Audio MP3 | 00:51:07
Josh and Tim talk about confirmation bias and why that’s a difficult thing to avoid during this political season.
Some of the questions we respond to in this episode:
- How hard should we work to balance our social media feeds so that we see both sides of multiple issues when we log into Facebook or Twitter?
- Are there any pro-choice films that you recommend to anti-abortion thinkers? In addition, are there any pro-choice films you deem to be morally reprehensible and therefore undeserving of pro-life viewership?”
If you usually don’t enjoy the pre-show banter, we’re going to encourage you to listen to it this time. It ends up directly tying with the main topic for the show.
Related Links:
- Washington Post: Two-thirds of Clinton and Trump supporters had few close friends supporting the other candidate
- Andrew Unyk for the ERI Blog: Why Pro-Life People Should Watch “After Tiller”
- David French: Democrats Won’t Fix Their Religion Problem Any Time Soon
- Queen: Bohemian Rhapsody – Isolated Vocal Tracks
- Peter Hollens
Deleted Scene: Can Josh Appreciate A Cappella Music?
Download Audio MP3 | 00:11:15
Download Audio MP3 | 00:59:51
Missy Stone, the National Field Director of Students for Life of America, joins Josh and Tim talk about a common accusation pro-choice people throw at pro-life students, and it’s a trap that some well-meaning pro-life people are walking right into.
Related Links:
- Timothy Brahm: Don’t Be Too Nice
- Josh Brahm: 4 Reasons Pro-Lifers Need to Stop Doing This (on Fetus Tunnel Vision)
- Josh Brahm: Responding to Concerns Regarding My “Fetus Tunnel Vision” Piece
- Josh Brahm: Responding to More Questions About My “Fetus Tunnel Vision” Piece
Extended Module 9 Bloopers Video: