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Josh and Tim talk about confirmation bias and why that’s a difficult thing to avoid during this political season.
Some of the questions we respond to in this episode:
- How hard should we work to balance our social media feeds so that we see both sides of multiple issues when we log into Facebook or Twitter?
- Are there any pro-choice films that you recommend to anti-abortion thinkers? In addition, are there any pro-choice films you deem to be morally reprehensible and therefore undeserving of pro-life viewership?
If you usually don’t enjoy the pre-show banter, we’re going to encourage you to listen to it this time. It ends up directly tying with the main topic for the show.
Related Resources:
- Washington Post: Two-thirds of Clinton and Trump supporters had few close friends supporting the other candidate
- Andrew Unyk for the ERI Blog: Why Pro-life People Should Watch After Tiller
- David French: Democrats Christian Votes Enduring Problem
- Peter Hollens: YouTube Channel
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