Josh Brahm will be giving a speech on pro-life apologetics, followed by David Bereit giving a speech on effectively organizing and engaging your local community. Afterwards, both Josh and David will answer your questions on a panel!

Date: November 4, 2017
Time: 09:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Event: Gaining Momentum: The 2nd Annual Southern Maryland Pro-Life Symposium
Sponsor: The Holy Family Respect Life - Co-Sponsored by Charles County Right to Life
301-539- 3903
Venue: St. Joseph Catholic Church
301-539- 3903
Location: 4590 St. Joseph’s Way
Pomfret, MD 20675
Public: Public
Registration: Click here to register.
More Info: Click here for more information.

Want us to speak to your group? Click here to check our availability!

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