I’ll be speaking at a Fresno FCA event in November, and I’ve been given permission to share the information in case you would like to come. I’ll be talking about the biblical case for the pro-life position, my favorite secular argument against abortion, and how to respond to the rape question with appropriate sensitivity. There will be time for Q&A afterwards.

For the precise location, click here to access the interactive Fresno State map, and then click on the “Duncan Athletic” checkbox in the “Select a Building” menu.

Date: November 2, 2015
Time: 7:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Event: Fresno County Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Topic: The Most Undervalued Argument in the Pro-Life Movement
Sponsor: Fresno County Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Lorne Bell: (805) 795-9116
Venue: Fresno State University - Duncan Athletic Building
Location: Fresno, CA
Public: Public

Want me to speak to your group? Click here to check my availability!

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