Did We Make a Bad Pro-Life Argument?

Josh responds to three pro-choice people who pushed back against our recent video about the Responsibility Objection, one of the pro-life counter-arguments to Judith Jarvis Thomson’s famous violinist thought experiment. Is this pro-life argument a red herring? Did we strawman Thomson?

Related Links:

One of the Violinist Argument’s Biggest Flaws:

The above is a clip from:
Podcast: Is Consent to Sex Consent to Pregnancy?

That podcast is taking this video deeper:
Is Consent to Sex Consent to Pregnancy?

That’s a clip from this longer video:
Abortion as “Self-Defense”

VIDEO: Blood Donation and Bodily Rights Arguments:

Here are some more of our resources on bodily autonomy arguments:

Fellow Pro-Lifers: Please Stop Sharing This Straw Man Meme:

Matt Walsh and Bodily Autonomy Arguments:

It’s Her Body – Steve Wagner:

Bodily Rights Arguments Necessitate Extremism:

Two Bad Pro-Life Responses to Bodily Rights Arguments:

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