Every other Wednesday we publish a new episode of the Equipped for Life Podcast, available to everyone who purchases our course, “Equipped for Life: A Fresh Approach to Conversations about Abortion.” Generally, these podcast episodes won’t be available to the general public, but we plan on releasing short clips from the episodes every Thursday, to give you a sense of what these podcasts are like.
In this episode of the Equipped for Life Course Podcast, Tim, Jacob, and I conclude our discussion of how to respond when people bite the bullet by discussing the examples of infanticide and moral relativism.
Download Audio MP3 | 00:06:08
In these clips from the full episode, Tim and I argue about whose approach to responding to relativists is more effective.
Note: As we explained in the first clip, the audio from the first three episodes of the podcast is distorted due to a technical problem. This was resolved before the next recording session. Please excuse the low quality of these first three Equipped for Life Podcast clips.
Click here to subscribe to the ERI podcast in iTunes.
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